Leema Acoustics has partnered with Mian Audio Distribution who will take on UK sales and distribution for the Welsh Hifi manufacturer, which was founded two decades ago by two ex-BBC sound engineers. More »

Node, who we encountered for the first time at the North West Audio Show 2018, is the vision of British industrial designers Ashley May and David Evans, who set out to ‘reimagine what could be possible from a modern loudspeaker’.  More »

“The North West Audio Show, or Cranage, as it is affectionately named after its location, has been growing steadily over the past few years.  From a bijou show with mainly local dealers and distributors to a major event on the international calendar. 2018 was the year when it all came together.  With exhibitors now flying in from as far away as Hong Kong and Israel, it had a truly cosmopolitan feeling…” More »

The North West Audio Show, or Cranage, as it is affectionately named after its location, has been growing steadily over the past few years.  From a bijou show with mainly local dealers and distributors to a major event on the international calendar. 2018 was the year when it all came together.  With exhibitors now flying in from as far away as Hong Kong and Israel, it had a truly cosmopolitan feeling. More »

“Now in its fifth year the North West Audio Show has risen to be what I consider to be the best show that we attend and we are phenomenally happy to be their media partners. This year the show, held at the Devere Cranage Estate in Cheshire, had an amazing buzz going on social media in the weeks running up the show and subsequently turnout was fabulous – even the Sunday when we expected a lull because of England having a game on in the World Cup. The vibe at this show is like no other you will experience and there were people saying it felt less like a Hifi event and more like a great big family party that just happened to have some great Hifi systems playing…” More »

Now in its fifth year the North West Audio Show has risen to be what I consider to be the best show that we attend and we are phenomenally happy to be their media partners. This year the show, held at the Devere Cranage Estate in Cheshire, had an amazing buzz going on social media in the weeks running up the show and subsequently turnout was fabulous – even the Sunday when we expected a lull because of England having a game on in the World Cup. The vibe at this show is like no other you will experience and there were people saying it felt less like a Hifi event and more like a great big family party that just happened to have some great Hifi systems playing. Add to this that the show is free, there is loads of free parking AND you get welcomed at the entrance by Kris’s (the organiser) fantastic team of helpers with a glass of fizz and you will understand why we are so happy to be media partners. It was also great to see other media at the show with Alan Sircom and Paul Messenger both in attendance. NEXT YEAR’S SHOW IS – Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2019 at De Vere Cranage estate, in Cheshire.  More »

The North West Audio Show at Cranage Hall 2018 has been proclaimed ‘the best Hifi Show there is’ by absolutely loads of attendees, press and exhibitors.  Make sure that you save the date for next year’s show….you really do not want to miss out! More »

The North West Audio Show at Cranage Hall 2018 has been proclaimed ‘the best Hifi Show there is’ by absolutely loads of attendees, press and exhibitors.  Make sure that you save the date for next year’s show….you really do not want to miss out! More »

Leema and Chord’s activity this weekend at The North West Audio Show 2018. More »

There is just one week to go until one of the most enjoyable Hifi Shows on the calendar, in the sumptuous surroundings of Cranage Hall in Cheshire. More »

“This year at North West Audio Show, Auden Distribution are showcasing Amphion loudspeakers and CAAS Audio. The main system is a pair of Amphion Krypton3 driven by the CAAS e-pre, and 2 e-mono pre-power combination. Using the whole of the Bell Suite, this year we have plenty of space and will able to let the system really sing. CAAS Audio was recently reviewed in Hifi+ where Jason Kennedy wrote “The CAAS trio is one of the most musically engaging and resolving amplification systems around”, we wouldn’t disagree. More »

Stefan Whatcott from UK speaker kit supplier KJF audio will be hosting the Markaudio brand in the Watt room. The room will be much more hands on than previous years with Stefan has organising talks by two well known industry figures industry and doing his own kit demos. More »

Just over a week to go until the North West Audio Show at Cranage Hall! More »

Electromod at the North West Audio Show are showing, for the first time in the UK, the Schiit Hifi system comprising of Schiit’s Vidar Amplifier, Schiit’s Saga Preamplifier and the Bifrost Multibit Dac with a pair of Kudos X2 loudspeakers and using Audioquest entry level connections, the total price for the system not including source is under £3500. More »

David Jackson of High End Cable has been in touch to say that he will be bringing the following to this years North West Audio Show: More »

Malvern Audio Research will be showing several new products from Audio Detail at Cranage Hall. More »

Kerr Acoustic will be at this year’s North West Audio Show on the 23rd and 24th June in the groundfloor bedroom 6 where they will be partnering with Ammonite Audio. More »

MarkAudio Sota got in touch to tell us all about their new loudspeaker that they are exhibiting at the North West Audio Show. More »

The countdown continues to the North West Audio Show 2018 at Cranage Hall in Cheshire, this time in two weeks there will be plenty of activity as the show rooms are set up at this fantastic venue! More »

Hull Hifi retailer Fanthorpes will be exhibiting at the North West Audio Show.  Fresh from High End Munich they will have the Innuos Statement vs Innuos SE music server demo (which Hifi pig thought was the best demo at the show) Innuos will be on hand to discuss the tech side of things. More »

British audio design brand, Studio19, will be exhibiting at this year’s North West Audio Show to showcase the newly launched Solo E500T and E500X-EQ speakers. More »

Wire On Wire will be demonstrating “how to explore the full potential of your existing Hifi system” with their new Experience880 tuneable interconnect, at this year’s North West Audio Show. More »

Keep up to date with all the info that you need to know about the North West Audio Show 2018. News, product launches, how to get free tickets and hotel booking discounts. More »

The North West Audio Show at Cranage Hall in Cheshire is one of our favourite Hifi Shows.  Fabulous Hifi in lovely surroundings, over the whole weekend so that you can really relax and enjoy the show. More »

It’s that time of year again, Christmas and New Year celebrations are over and everyone is getting back to work.  We have had a brilliant year at Hifi Pig Towers, including plenty of traveling all over the world to find the most interesting and best Hifi for you, our readers. Of course none of this would be possible without the ever growing core team of Pigsters, our exceptionally talented and knowledgeable writers and reviewers.  Team Hifi Pig and every Hifi Pig reader out there, we salute you! More »